Finding the Way Through is a workbook designed for individuals struggling with sex and pornography addiction, focusing on sobriety, recovery, and partner betrayal sensitivity. This first-of-its-kind workbook combines essential information about the healing process for betrayed partners and offers a partner-sensitive approach to relational repair. The book is organized into five sections: Education & Application, Partner Sensitivity, Addict Stories, Recovery Traits, and Reflections & Information to Share. It can be used as a group curriculum or as an individual guide for recovery.
Gifts of Recovery provides daily readings for individuals in recovery from sex and porn addiction. These meditations offer 12-Step insights, sobriety tools and tips, lessons for successful recovery, and partner sensitivity. The meditations blend the clinical guidance of an experienced therapist with the wisdom gained from walking a recovery path.
Introduction to Sex Addiction and Partner Betrayal is a video series designed to help individuals understand the causes, treatment, and nuances of sex addiction and betrayal trauma.