Thought for the Week
Timothy D. Stein, MFT, CSAT
October 27, 2014
The Three Truths (Yours, Mine, and Reality)
If you place a Rubik’s Cube between two people and ask them what colors they see, the will report different colors because different sides are facing them. This brings up the question “Who’s right?” Even though they are looking at the same object and reporting different colors, they are both right. They just don’t have the same perspective or the whole picture. This is true of most situations in life. There is my truth, your truth, and reality. If we accept this principle, interactions and disagreements can be resolved. When we assume that my truth is reality and someone else’’s truth is wrong, interactions and disagreements become a lot more complicated.
Do I recognize that perspectives other than my own have validity? What would change if I acknowledged the three truths – yours, mine, and reality.