Thought for the Week

Timothy D. Stein, MFT, CSAT
November 16, 2015

“Accepting does not necessarily mean ‘liking,’ ‘enjoying,’ or ‘condoning.’  I can accept what is and be determined to evolve from there.  It is not acceptance but denial that leaves me stuck.” –Nathaniel Branden

The road of recovery is not always comfortable let alone enjoyable.  However, I do not have to like the process.  I just need to accept it and be determined to follow it.  When I ignore my situation and use denial, whether consciously or unconsciously, to “enjoy” my current situation, I am stuck in my addiction.  Moving out of denial and into acceptance opens me up to growth and healing.

When have I denied my situation?  Has the outcome been significantly different when I have accepted my situation?  What gifts await me as I accept my addiction and the necessity of my recovery path?