Thought for the Week

Timothy D. Stein, MFT, CSAT
February 23, 2015

What are you called to do?

We spend our time doing many things, working, playing, socializing, learning, and exploring to name a few. However, some of the ways we spend our time resonate with us more deeply and bring personal, significant rewards. Sometimes, these rewards are difficult to identify.  In addiction, we feel drawn to our acting out behavior and are often convinced it resonates deeply, but the out of control nature and deep pain it is attached to indicates that this escape does not bring personal rewards. When we open ourselves to what our higher power directs us toward, we find our calling that brings with it a deep satisfaction.

Have I searched for my calling or my escape? Have I experienced the true, deep satisfaction that comes with a calling? If I open myself to the direction of my higher power, what might be waiting for me?