Thought for the Week

Timothy D. Stein, MFT, CSAT
July 25, 2016

The two victims of dishonesty.

“Every act of dishonesty has at least two victims: the one we think of as the victim, and the perpetrator as well.  Each little dishonesty makes another little rotten spot somewhere in the perpetrator’s psyche.” –Lesley Conger

In recovery, we start to see the impact of our dishonesty on others.  However, equally important is recognizing the impact our dishonesty has on us.  As we learn to be rigorously honest, we not only lessen our harmful impact on others but we also stop harming ourselves.  Only through honesty can we truly heal.

In what ways has my dishonesty impacted others?  In what ways has my dishonesty impacted me?  What gifts await me as I become rigorously honest?