Thought for the Week

Timothy D. Stein, MFT, CSAT
February 7, 2017

The Universe does not say “You’ve got it!” very often.  It does, however, say “You’re getting warmer” and “You’re getting colder” quite a bit.

Moments when you feel “You’ve got it!” are few and far between, and if you base your choices on them, you will be wandering lost most of the time.  However, if you slow down and pay attention, you will notice many nudges and hints that life provides.  Experiencing an addictive trigger during or after a behavior, especially one that you want to justify as appropriate, might be the Universe telling you “You’re gettting colder.”  A friend commenting on how much they have enjoyed your company when you have been feeling awkward with new recovery boundaries might be the Universe telling you “You’re getting warmer.”  These moments of “You’re getting warmer” and “You’re getting colder” provide you with a map to navigate life and relationships.

When have I looked for the message of “You’ve got it!” and felt frustrated at its absence?  When have I been nudged with smaller and more subtle hints?  What gifts await me as I look for the nudges and hints to guide me in life?