Thought for the Week

Timothy D. Stein, MFT, CSAT
December 11, 2017

“The warrior of light listens intently to that silence and understands that somewhere something is happening.  He knows that devastating earthquakes arrive without warning.  He has walked through the forests at night and knows that it is precisely when the animals are quiet that danger is near.” –Paulo Coelho

Living in sobriety and recovery requires daily (and, at times, hourly) focus.  There will be days, weeks, or even months when holding boundaries and keeping your life in balance seems easy.  However, the currents of addiction live just beneath the surface.  Addicts who rest on their laurels, assuming a smooth and easy stretch of sobriety and/or recovery will continue, often find relapse or the painful consequences of living life as a “dry drunk” returning.  Addicts who appreciate moments of serenity while simultaneously preparing for the next challenge are more likely to receive the gifts of recovery.

When have I let my guard down during times of “silence?”  What have been the consequences to me and others?  What gifts await me as I learn to appreciate the “silence” while preparing for the “danger?”