Thought for the Week

Timothy D. Stein, MFT, CSAT
June 24, 2013

It is not about having the right thought.  It is about challenging your thoughts to find balance.

Having the right thought is overrated. We all have thoughts that are pleasant and thoughts that are unpleasant. We all have thoughts that are loving and thoughts that are hateful. The type of thoughts that enter our heads is not what is important. What is important and what ultimately defines us is the thoughts we choose to hold onto and the thoughts we choose to let go. If we are having thoughts of revenge, addiction, or disrespect, it is not helpful to beat ourselves up for having the “wrong” thoughts. However, it is helpful to be aware of which thoughts we want to hold and challenge ourselves to embrace them.

What thoughts am I holding in my head?  Are these the thoughts I want to embrace?  Recognizing that I have a choice, what thoughts will I keep and what thoughts will I let go?