Thought for the Week

Timothy D. Stein, MFT, CSAT
November 19, 2018

What is this book about without telling me the plot?

Addicts must learn to live transparently.  Keeping secrets from therapists, sponsors, recovery community members, and, especially, partners is a recipe for disaster.  However, being transparent without boundaries can be equally problematic.  Sharing your struggles with others in recovery without appropriate boundaries can be triggering to them.  Sharing your challenges and realizations with your partner without appropriate boundaries can be traumatizing to your partner and potentially damaging to your relationship.  “What is this book about without telling me the plot?” can be a helpful concept as you find appropriate boundaries while being transparent with others.

When have I overshared with others?  When have I shared with others while keeping secrets?  What gifts await as I learn transparency with appropriate boundaries?