Thought for the Week
Timothy D. Stein, MFT, CSAT
July 1, 2013
“Everyone wants to live on the top of the mountain but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.” –Andy Rooney
We all have goals. And striving to achieve those goals is important. However, it is important to pay attention to the journey and not simply focus on the goals. Tremendous growth and joyous moments happen along that journey. If we only focus on the goal, we miss and do not appreciate all that we receive from the process of achieving our goal. Whether we are striving for a successful relationship, sobriety, or financial stability, if we achieve the goal but do not embrace the experiences that get us there, we typically find ourselves unsatisfied.
What am I striving for in my life? What growth and happiness is coming my way NOW as I am working toward my goal? Am I open to feeling the satisfaction of the process?