Thought for the Week

Timothy D. Stein, MFT, CSAT
December 12, 2016

“One generation plants a tree; another gets the shade.” –Chinese Proverb

Sobriety and recovery are challenging.  They require perseverance and trust.  If you walk this path, the benefits are limitless.  However, some of the greatest benefits from sobriety and recovery are received and experienced by our children.  As we live our life with sobriety and recovery, we model moderation, healthy relationships, healthy sexuality, humility, and acceptance of imperfection.  While we cannot control the paths our children choose to walk, we can provide them with a solid foundation from which to launch.

What did my children learn by watching me in my addiction?  What do my children learn by watching me in recovery?  What gifts await my children as I continue to live my life with sobriety and recovery?