Thought for the Week
Timothy D. Stein, MFT, CSAT
March 27, 2017
“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for extraordinary destiny…” -C.S. Lewis
Hardships are scary and uncomfortable. Most of us prefer they stay far away from us. However, hardships have a purpose and avoiding them limits us. Hardships prepare us for growth and change. Our learning from hardships helps us to better navigate our lives. Hardships allow us to see possibilities and destinations that we previously could not see. Hardships open us to the full potential of our future. This may be the growth that comes from the painful ending of a relationship or loss of a job. This may be the awareness that comes from budgeting due to financial constraints or connecting with new people as old friendships change. While it would be fool hardy to seek out hardships, avoiding or ignoring them is stifling.
When have I been resentful of hardships in my life? What has been the outcome when I ignored or avoided hardships? What gifts await me as I learn to accept and grow through my experience and navigation of hardships in my life?