Thought for the Week

Timothy D. Stein, MFT, CSAT
November 27, 2017

I am the biggest hurdle to my own recovery.

Sobriety and recovery are easy.  Put a consistent daily routine in place.  Call other program members when you feel the slightest twinge of an addictive impulse.  Do what your program members tell you to do to the letter.  Stop indulging or depriving yourself and create moderation in all areas of your life: work, money, food, alcohol, driving, relationships, etc.  Easy.  Why is this challenging?  Because of us!  We like what we like and we want to keep doing it.  We want to believe we can successfully manage our life on our own.  Once we have some traction, we think we should be able to maintain it without guidance.  This is a recipe for disaster.  We are the biggest hurdle to our own recovery.

When have I been the biggest hurdle to my own recovery?  What have the consequences been to me and others?  What gifts await me as I learn to embrace humility and get my ego out of the way of my recovery?