Thought for the Week
Timothy D. Stein, MFT, CSAT
September 12, 2016
You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
As addicts working our program, we sometimes feel frustrated by the perceived lack of effort by others. Sometimes this frustration is with other members of our program who appear (true or not) to be coasting along but not making any real changes. Sometimes this frustration is with our partner who appears (true or not) to be putting little effort into understanding our work in recovery or addressing and healing his or her own wounds. We can choose to confront others and point out their faults and shortcomings (often acting out our own character defects in the process) or we can get in touch with our concern for others and share our perception from a place of vulnerability and compassion.
When have I confronted others regarding their faults and shortcomings? Was this ultimately helpful? What gifts await me if I share my concerns with “honey” (concern and compassion)?